Maine Coon / Mixed : : Male (not neutered) : : Baby : : Large
Located in Blairstown, NJ OMC has a kitten policy. Please have another young cat in the home to adopt a single kitten. If NO other cats in the home, you MUST adopt 2 kittens from us. (dogs do not count)
Vito is a little guy with a lot of fluff. He is very vocal. He is also confused when it comes to cat trees and thinks humans make pawsome ones. He is an in-your-face kinda cat who has a lot of energy. If he climbs up and you put him on the floor, it only takes seconds for him to climb again. He is a fast little guy and gets into anything he can.
More about VitoGood with Cats, Good with Adults, Very vocal, Plays fetch, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle